The Laboratory obtained, in march 2023, the extension by the french ministry of transport of its approval for a period of 5 years in order to test and, if necessary, to approve models of packaging for the transport of dangerous materials. It has also been approved to carry out controls of the manufacturing process of packagings directly at the manufacturer. The LEREM began this activity in 1999.
The technical activities of LEREM break down, into several major sectors of comparable importance:
- Realization of tests for the approval of packaging intended for the transport of hazardous materials.
- Performing mechanical and flammability tests on aerosol generators and pumps.
- Conducting content-compatibility tests by electrochemistry.
- Study of NIAS for materials in contact with food (MCDA).
- Technical assistance and various expertise.
- Aerosol particle size analysis by laser diffraction.
- Analysis of varnishes on packaging and metal aerosols.
- Various problems on any type of packaging
Our approval activity of packagings intended for the transport of hazardous materials includes on-site manufacturing inspections of certified companies.
Download the approval (in french) :
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