In collaboration with the French Aerosol Committee, here is a summary of the points addressed by the french national regulatory assistance service. The new REACH and CLP informations are available in detail in a newsletter available for download at the end of this article.
New REACH informations
- RAC and SEAC advice: Restriction of lead in buckshot, shooting bullets and fishing tackle
- Call for contribution on 1,4-dioxane
SVHC Futures
- Public consultation
- CoRAP: 58 substances for 2021-2023
- Registrants: get ready to comment on the draft decisions about substance assessment (CoRAP 2020)
- PBT substances and applicable methods of analysis
SCIP database
- Available webinar materials
New CLP informations
Harmonized classification and labeling
- Ongoing public consultations
- RAC Opinion
Poison control center declarations
- Update of the guide Annnex VIII
Integrated regulatory strategy
- “Mapping of the chemical universe” progress
- Public consultation: Pentachlorophenol
The new REACH and CLP informations are available in the attached document.
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